11 Bizarre Things That Could Get You in Trouble in the U.S.
While most laws are logical and widely applicable, some are designed for highly specific scenarios. Unaware of these laws, you could unintentionally land in serious trouble, facing hefty fines or even jail time. Here’s a list of unusual legal rules you should know when traveling or living in the U.S.
Tenants Have A Right to Sunlight

California’s law protects the residents’ right to access sunlight for laundry needs. The tenants have the right to dry their laundry outdoors. This law aimed to promote sustainability, energy efficiency, and saving money by encouraging us to use natural sunlight to dry clothes instead of electric-powered machines. It would put less reliance on electricity consumption and reduce greenhouse gas effects.
No Netflix Password Sharing
Netflix has recently announced that it is attempting to shut down password sharing as it directly affects its revenue. In Tennessee, a specific law was passed in 2011, stating that sharing passwords for subscription-based streaming sites was a crime. One could get a fine of $2500 or a year behind bars as a punishment.
No Burping in Church in Nebraska
The lawmakers take the sanctity of the church very seriously. In Nebraska, children are encouraged to be extra respectful in church. A parent could be placed under arrest if their child burps while they are in church.
No Trick or Treat for Adults
In Chesapeake, Virginia, only kids and teens who are 14 years or younger can go to celebrate trick or treat and return by 8 pm. Adults could accompany their child in trick or treat but cannot participate individually. Those who break the law could face jail time of up to six months and fines of up to $100.
No Ugly Faces at Dogs
The lawmakers of Oklahoma seemed to be true canine lovers. They introduced a rule that people who make ugly faces can face a fine, jail time, or both. It is also applicable, even if it is your dog. There are rules where dogs are not allowed to gather in groups of three or more on private property without a signed permit from the mayor.
Use Complete Soap Bar
In Mohave, if you are caught stealing soap, you must publicly wash yourself with it until it is completely gone. Considering how long-lasting the soaps could be today, it is a bizarre rule.
No Camel Hunting
Specific experiments used camels to prepare for desert warfare in the USA. In Arizona, these camels were released after experiments and allowed to live. To protect them from getting hunted or killed, Arizona cited that it is illegal to hunt camels within their territory.
No Ice-cream Cones in Pocket
Walking around with an ice cream cone in your pocket on Sundays is illegal in New York state.
Permission for False Teeth
In Vermont, husbands need to permit their wives if they want to get false teeth.
Time Limit on Bingo
In North Carolina, Bingo games are only allowed for up to 5 hours. As per North Carolina Alcohol Law Enforcement, more than 5 hours are allowed at games fairs only. No alcohol is allowed to be served during any bingo games.
No sharing of hotel rooms
A man and a woman found occupying the same bedroom in any hotel, public inn, or boarding house for any immoral purpose shall be deemed guilty of a class 2 misdemeanor as per North Carolina General Statute Section 14-186. The law also states that one cannot lie about their marriage and stay together at a hotel or inn. Thus, a weekend getaway would demand two separate rooms for partners without marriage.